Join us for a weekend of fun and fellowship with like-minded young people at Castlewellan Castle. The weekend will run from Friday 2nd May through to Monday 5th May.
See you there!
Please note that the deposit for your selected event is non-refundable, and must be received no later than.
- Please make cheques payable to: Free Presbyterian Youth Council
- To pay by bank transfer, details are as follows:
Account number: 02790327
Sort Code: 95-02-61
Please include First Name Initial + Surname + Event Code on your bank transfer as reference (eg: JBloggsSC)
Personal Details
Date of Birth:
Are you in full time education?
What method will you be using to make payment?
Details of GP
Details of any allergies/special needs
Please Provide two emergency contact numbers
By submitting this application form you give consent for photographs and videos to be taken during the weekend which may subsequently be used for Youth Council advertisement.