7:00 pm — 9:00 pm
Moyalllen Centre, Portadown 117 Stramore Road Portadown Co Armagh BT63 5JZ
117 Stramore Road

Portadown, Co Armagh BT63 5JZ
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The training weekend provides an opportunity for young people to learn some of the fundamental aspects of Evangelism. This is important as witnessing for Christ is part of the Christian mandate!

This year we will have a range of topics including preparing a Bible Lesson for a Children’s meeting by Miss Joyce Walsh, Evangelism: Why we do it by Mr Noel Shields, and Rev. Peter McIntyre will take us through different aspects of Mormonism and how we can witness to them. This will be especially helpful for anyone looking to attend our summer outreaches.

Please complete one form per person

Training Weekend
Moyallen Centre, Portadown
Friday 28th February - Sunday 2nd March
Cost: £95 (£30 Deposit) - Trip to Airtastic not included in cost
Event Code: TW
Closing date: Friday 19th February 2025

- Please make cheques payable to: Free Presbyterian Youth Council
- To pay by bank transfer, details are as follows:
Account number: 02790327
Sort Code: 95-02-61

Please include First Name Initial + Surname + Event Code on your bank transfer as reference (eg: JBloggsTW)

What method will you be using to make payment?

Personal Details

Date of Birth:


Details of GP

Details of any allergies/special needs

Please Provide two emergency contact numbers

By submitting this application form you give consent for photographs and videos to be taken during the weekend which may subsequently be used for Youth Council advertisement.


February 28 @ 7:00 pm GMT
March 2 @ 9:00 pm GMT
Event Category: