Thank and praise the Lord for spiritual and temporal blessings we receive daily and for past answers to prayer.

“Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.” Phil 4:6

Free Presbyterian Youth Council

Please remember the work of the Youth Council in prayer. Please pray for…

+ President, Committee & Delegates
+ The Lord will grant wisdom and will lead and guide all those who are involved in the work of the Youth Council

Summer Outreaches

Please pray that…

+ The Lord will bless the summer outreaches planned each year to and that precious souls will be saved
+ Young people from our churches will have the burden to go and do this work for the Lord
+ God will provide the necessary finances to help the Youth Council subsidise every young person joining an Outreach team
+ The Word that was sown on by the outreach teams will yet bear much fruit

+ The Lord will once again provide the necessary monies to fund the various Youth Council projects and events

Other Events
+ God will bless the other Youth Council events planned for the year ahead such as the March and September Rallies; Evangelism Training weekend; Evenings of Prayer, Open-Air Rallies, etc

FPC Youth Fellowships

Please pray for…

+ Our Leaders and Committees
+ Our Members
+ For spiritual growth among believers
+ For the salvation of unsaved attendees
+ For the Lord to burden and call young people into full time Christian service
+ For the Lord to keep young people from the snares of sin, the world and the Devil

Free Presbyterian Church of Ulster

Please pray for…

Our Denomination
+ Churches; Moderator; Ministers; Office Bearers; Separated Witness

The Whitefield College of the Bible
+ Principal; Lecturers; Students; Staff

Our Missionaries
+ Overseas Labourers; Local Evangelists; Children’s Workers; Overseas Churches; Let the Bible Speak


Please pray that…

+ The Lord will once again release a spirit of conviction and repentance upon our nation and move in Revival blessing
+ Our family members, friends and neighbours who are outside of Christ will be saved
+ The Lord will create a clean heart and renew a right spirit within each one of us