11:00 am — 2:00 pm
Greenhill YMCA, Newcastle
Greenhill YMCA Donard Park

Newcastle, BT33 0GR United Kingdom
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Spaces are full but there is a waiting lists for guys and girls.

Taking place from 4th August – 8th August 2025

Greenhill YMCA is an outdoor learning and residential centre set in a beautiful 17 acre site on the slopes of Slieve Donard Mountain in the heart of the Kingdom of Mourne.

Each day campers can enjoy the many activities, including trips out to Todd’s Leap and Airtastic. The dedicated team of FPC YC leaders and the staff at Greenhill will be on hand to make sure every young person has an enjoyable and memorable week.

There will be daily morning devotions and special themed camp meetings each night where the youth will be brought face to face with the claims of Christ upon their lives. There will be opportunities for participation in all the meetings by the youth.

The camp is also a wonderful time of fellowship where the young people can meet with other youth from all over the province. You are welcome to come and join with us for what promises to be a very special time.

Please pray that it will be a week of blessing and refreshing sent from the presence of the Lord.

COST: £205.00 (£55 deposit and £150 second payment due spring 2025)

Please complete one form per young person (You will need to refresh the web page between each application).

Summer Camp 2025
Greenhill YMCA, Newcastle
Monday 4th - Friday 8th August
Cost: £205 (£55 deposit and £150 second payment due spring 2025)
Event Code: SC
Closing date: 26th Apr 2025

- Please make cheques payable to: FPC Youth Council
Please write your child's name on the back of the cheque
Address for posting will be on the response email or contact us on social media

- To pay by bank transfer, details are as follows:
Account number: 02790327
Sort Code: 95-02-61

Please include First Name Initial + Surname + Event Code on your bank transfer as reference (eg: JBloggsSC)

What method will you be using to make payment?

Personal Details

Date of birth of child:

Gender of Child:


Details of GP

Details of any conditions, allergies etc...

(eg: peanuts, asthma, diabetes, epilepsy) and/or any medication being taken)

Details of any other special needs, requirements or directions that it would be helpful for the leaders to know about:

Please Provide two emergency contact numbers

I give permission for:
1) My child to attend the selected event on the dates highlighted
2) To take part in the activities organised
3) To be administered with first aid if needed, by a trained first aider or medical treatment given if needed by a suitably qualified medical practitioner.

To the best of my knowledge, I confirm that the above details are correct.

By signing this application form you give consent for photographs and videos to be taken during the Camp which may subsequently be used for Youth Council advertisement.

Please sign using your finger or your mouse cursor in the box below:


August 4 @ 12:00 pm BST
August 8 @ 3:00 pm BST
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